Report Averages Using Online Hours Only

This option adjusts reported annual average values for resources to only include hours when the resource is operating. When the option is not selected annual averages will include values of zero for hours when the unit is not in the system. This applies to reports for columns which give an average value across the time period such as Capacity, Dispatch_Cost, Incr_Heat_Rate, Percent_Committed, and Forced_Outage.

For example: suppose a 100 MW resource has an end date at the end of June in a given year. This switch will determine whether the capacity of the resource in the annual report will be 100 MW or 50 MW. Some users might want 100 MW because that was its actual capacity when in the system; others might want 50 MW because that was the average across the whole year. Without the switch selected the model will report 50 MW.  With this switch activated, it will be 100 MW.

 Simulation Options


 Reporting Parameters

 Report Averages Using Online Hours Only


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