Table Selection (Reporting)

This window provides table selection options for output databases and uniform reporting information for each report type across all the time period options. The output database contains all the selected reporting information for the study.  

Use these links to access more information about the Table Selection form.

Output Reporting Options

Custom Columns

Report Sets

Output Reporting Options

The lower section of the Output window contains an interactive group of settings used to select the output tables and time periods for output reports.

Output Tables to Report

The left-hand region shows the output table types selected for reporting.  To select/deselect the table types click on the Select Table Types button, which will launch a new window used to select tables for display.

Reporting Options

Then, click on a table in the display to select it and use the Reporting Options area to further refine which time periods and other criteria for your output database tables.

Select to Report

This dropdown selects the time period for reporting.

  • None - The time period will not be reported.

  • Selected - Aurora will report only the items that have been selected in the Reporting columns in the respective input tables for the time period.  For example, choosing Selected for the Resource output will provide Resource reporting information for a sub-set of resources with Reporting = True.  This option is useful for limiting database size and increasing runtime. 

  • All - Aurora will report all items in the output type category when selected.  For example, choosing All for the Resource output will ignore the Reporting column mentioned above and provide Resource reporting information for ALL the resources in the database.  

To quickly make these selections for ALL time periods of a table type, use the right-click menu by clicking on the table name to select it, then choosing from the options similar to the ones listed above.

NOTE: For some tables, a particular study type must be run in order to get output. For example, the Run Portfolio Analysis option in the Portfolio form of Simulation Options must also be selected in order to get the Portfolio Output table.

NOTE: For Nodal Output Only: Output for infeasible hours will not be written to the database. For Daily, Monthly, Yearly, and Study level output, if any hour contained in the time period is infeasible then the entire time period will NOT be written.

Period Average

If this switch is selected, Aurora will report the average for the given time period.

Other Conditions

Aurora will report results for conditions listed in the Conditions Table.  As with Select to Report above, Selected will report only those conditions that have been selected in the Report Column of the Conditions Table, whereas All will report all conditions from the Conditions table.  The None option is typically only used when Period Average has been selected.

Enable Custom Column Reporting

This switch and the accompanying buttons for each time period are used to limit the amount of reporting by selecting only the desired columns for output.  See Custom Columns for more information.


Custom Columns

Custom Column reporting provides additional options for some output table types.  It is especially useful in reducing output database size and model run time.  Custom Column settings are saved in the project file (.apz).

Follow these steps to use Custom Columns:

  1. Select the checkbox to Enable Custom Column Reporting. This activates the period-level column selector buttons.

  2. Select the output Table Type from the list of tables found on the left.  Click on a table in the list to edit desired output columns in Column settings.

  3. Click the Columns button for the desired time period.  Note the time period must first be Selected for reporting.  

  4. A box will pop-up with a list of available columns, with all columns selected by default.  Uncheck the ones you are not interested in, or use the Clear All button and just select the ones you want.

  1. Click Copy Selections to All Time Periods to apply the selection in bulk to other time periods.

  1. Click OK and run the simulation.

NOTE: When using the Write Multiple Simulations to the Database option in the Reporting folder of Simulation Options, the same column settings must be selected for each subsequent run. For example, an error will occur if default settings are used in the first run and a custom column set is used for the second run.  In addition, an error will occur if new columns have been added to the output database tables after a Custom Column has been defined for a table.  This may happen when Energy Exemplar includes additional reporting in patches or new release versions of Aurora.  Custom Column settings will need to be redefined in this instance.

Custom Columns can also be setup and applied thru Scripting, using the CreateCustColSet, SetCustomCols, and LoadTemplate AURORA Commands and the SetDataItemRow AURORA Datasets.


Report Sets

Report Sets are accessed via the ribbon toolbar on the Reporting window and are useful for creating various custom reporting that can be quickly and easily changed in a project, or shared with other projects.


The Current dropdown selector is used to choose which Report Set will be used for the simulation.  Changes to the Report Sets are saved upon project save.


The New button is used to create a new Report Set from the active (currently selected) set.  It basically makes a copy of the current Report Set, asks for a new name, and then makes it active for further editing.


The Rename button is used to rename the current/selected Report Set.


The Delete button is used to delete the current/selected Report Set from the project.  There is no undo for this action.


The Import button is used to import custom Report Set from the Aurora ReportSet File (.arp) after it has been exported from a project (below).


The Export button is used to save selected custom Report Sets in an external Aurora ReportSet File (.arp) for ease of sharing with other projects or Aurora users.

 Simulation Options

 Table Selection

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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