Competition No Load Cost Mark-up

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If marginal cost bid should be adjusted to account for no-load cost

Competition No-load Cost Mark-up is a flag that indicates if generator mark-ups should be automatically set such that no-load cost is recovered.


Consider a Generator with the following capacity and heat rate properties:

Property Value Data File Units Band
Max Capacity 400 MW 1
Min Stable Level 100 MW 1
Load Point 100 MW 1
Load Point 350 MW 2
Load Point 400 MW 3
Heat Rate Base 150 GJ/hr 1
Heat Rate Incr 9 GJ/MWh 1
Heat Rate Incr 9 GJ/MWh 2
Heat Rate Incr 14 GJ/MWh 3

Assuming a Fuel Cost of 2.0 then we have the following:

Generation (MW) Band Quantity (MW) Heat Rate Incr (GJ/MWh) Fuel Offtake (GJ/hr) Fuel Cost ($/hr) Marginal Cost ($/MWh) Average Cost ($/hr) Spot Revenue ($/hr) Loss ($/hr) Mark-up Required ($/MWh) Offer Price ($/MWh)
0 0 150 300
100 100 9 1050 2100 18 21 1800 300 3 21
350 250 9 3300 6600 18 18.85714286 6300 300 0.857142857 18.85714286
400 50 14 4000 8000 28 20 11200 -3200 -8 28

In this table:

Note that mark-up is only ever positive, and full recovery only occurs when the offer band is fully dispatched. Note further that in the multi-band case, the final offer prices might not be monotonically non-decreasing. If this is the case, integer decision variables are automatically introduced to enforce clearing of the offer bands in physical order.

The no-load cost mark-up is included in the reported properties Generator Mark-up and Offer Price.

Please refer to the article Heat Rate Modelling for an explanation of no-load cost.