Generator Mark-up

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Mark-up above marginal cost

Generator Mark-up is the absolute amount that the generation of the unit is marked up above marginal cost. If you prefer to use a relative mark-up, use the property Bid Cost Mark-up. It is both an input property (where it sets the mark-up) and an output (where the mark-up is reported). Mark-up is multi-band as input and output.


The Mark-up property provides a convenient way of applying a simple adder to marginal cost without having to define multi-band offers. When the generator offer is missing (i.e.Offer Price and Offer Quantity are not defined) the generator's offers will be based on SRMC plus any defined mark-up. Thus Generator Mark-up affects the order of the generators bidding into the market, but does not form part of its Generation Cost.

Mark-up is multi-band so that mark-ups can change across the range of generation. You have the choice of matching the mark-up breakpoints with input Load Points, manually defining the breakpoints using Mark-up Point or having the simulator create an even set of breakpoints i.e.:

By default, the mark-up is applied only to generation above Min Stable Level. This can be changed with the Competition Mark-up MSL attribute.


In the following examples three generators each of 100MW illustrate some of the possible applications of Mark-up:

Generator Property Value Units Band
U1 Units 1 - 1
U1 Max Capacity 100 MW 1
U1 Fuel Price 1 $/MMBTU 1
U1 Heat Rate Incr 10000 BTU/kWh 1
U1 Min Stable Level 40 MW 1
U1 Mark-up 2 $/MWh 1
U2 Units 1 - 1
U2 Max Capacity 100 MW 1
U2 Fuel Price 2 $/MMBTU 1
U2 Heat Rate Incr 10000 BTU/kWh 1
U2 Min Stable Level 40 MW 1
U2 Mark-up 1 $/MWh 1
U2 Mark-up 2 $/MWh 2
U2 Mark-up 3 $/MWh 3
U2 Mark-up 4 $/MWh 4
U2 Mark-up 5 $/MWh 5
U2 Mark-up 6 $/MWh 6
U2 Mark-up 7 $/MWh 7
U2 Mark-up 8 $/MWh 8
U2 Mark-up 9 $/MWh 9
U2 Mark-up 10 $/MWh 10
U3 Units 1 - 1
U3 Max Capacity 100 MW 1
U3 Load Point 40 MW 1
U3 Load Point 65 MW 2
U3 Load Point 90 MW 3
U3 Fuel Price 3 $/MMBTU 1
U3 Heat Rate Incr 9000 BTU/kWh 1
U3 Heat Rate Incr 10000 BTU/kWh 2
U3 Heat Rate Incr 11000 BTU/kWh 3
U3 Min Stable Level 40 MW 1
U3 Mark-up 1 $/MWh 1
U3 Mark-up 2 $/MWh 2
U3 Mark-up 3 $/MWh 3



The Mark-up output is defined as:

Mark-up = Mark-up (as above) - Strategic Shadow Price - Sales Target Shadow Price

The latter two terms reflect the marginal effect of CompanyStrategic constraints and Nash-Cournot volume targets respectively.

Generator Mark-up in output is the amount of mark-up applied in each band over and above the Cost Price. These mark-ups might be input directly (as above) or computed automatically as part of a gaming algorithm.


The input in the above table produce the following output:

Generator Property Units Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 Band 5 Band 6 Band 7 Band 8 Band 9 Band 10
U1 Offer Quantity MW 100
Offer Price $/MWh 12
Cost Price $/MWh 10
Mark-up $/MWh 2
Bid Cost Mark-up % 20
U2 Offer Quantity MW 46 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Offer Price $/MWh 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Cost Price $/MWh 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Mark-up $/MWh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Bid Cost Mark-up % 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
U3 Offer Quantity MW 40 25 25
Offer Price $/MWh 28 32 36
Cost Price $/MWh 27 30 33
Mark-up $/MWh 1 2 3
Bid Cost Mark-up % 3.70 6.67 9.09