Competition Start Cost Mark-up

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If mark-ups are calculated to recover generator start cost

Competition Start Cost Mark-up is a flag that indicates if generator mark-ups should be automatically set such that one start cost is recovered within the Start Cost Mark-up Window which by default is 24 hours.

Start cost recovery is achieved by the addition to the formulation of a set of mark-up 'bands' across the total production of the generator in each recovery window. The number of bands is controlled by the Start Cost Mark-up Production Bands setting. Each band has associated with it a unique mark-up which would be required to recover the start cost. Integer variables are added to the formulation to activate the appropriate mark-up band when a start occurs and as a function of total Generation in the window.

Note that these mark-up bands are only applied if a start actually occurs in the window, and if more than one start occurs, the mark-ups only account for one start cost.

The final start cost mark-up applied is included in the reported properties Generator Mark-up and Offer Price.