Diagnostic NPV

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:Write diagnostics for LT Plan NPV of optimal plan

Writes a XML diagnostic file containing LT Plan optimal solution costs in terms of their NPV.

The diagnostic file will be created in the solution folder and named Model ( Model name ) NPV Diagnostics.xml. Open in Excel with the stylesheet applied.

The columns headings are:

Cleared Offer Cost
See Cleared Offer Cost
Fuel Cost
Fuel Cost is defined as Total Price x Offtake
VO&M Cost
Generator VO&M Cost is defined as VOM Charge x Generation
UoS Cost
Total use of system cost. See: UoS Cost
Emissions Cost
Cost of emissions allocated to the generator as input by the user via price, it will not include any constraint shadow price. See Emission Costs
FO&M Cost
Fixed operations and maintenance costs for generators built in the simulation, i.e. those costs that are included in the objective function. See FO&M Cost
Build Cost
Total annualised cost of new builds. See Build Cost
Retirement Cost
Total cost of retiring units. See Retirement Cost
Total Emissions Cost
Total cost of emissions, including any constraint shadow price. This value will correspond to the solution file.
Total FO&M Cost
Total fixed operating and maintenance costs for all generators. This value will correspond to the solution file.

Note the first eight columns contribute to the objective value in the log file while the Total Emissions Cost and Total FO&M Costs tally with the solution file.