Facility FO&M Charge

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Annual fixed operation and maintenance charge

Facility FO&M Charge is the fixed operations and maintenance charge for each installed unit at the facility.

The charge is defined on a per-year basis, thus the total FO&M Cost for a unit in a year is defined as:

FO&M Cost = Installed Capacity x FO&M Charge

The tax rate is taken into account if Depreciation Method is set so that:

FO&M Charge (modeled) = FO&M Charge x (1 - Tax Rate).

This charge is combined with the Build Cost in the objective function of LT Plan. The cost is also relevant for retirement candidates (as an avoidable cost).

Table 1: FO&M Charge Example
Property Value Units
Units 1 -
Max Operating Level 250 -
F&OM Charge 150,000 $/year

Fixed costs are only counted against a Facility's Installed Capacity i.e. Facilities with zero Units or zero Units Built do not incur fixed costs. The total fixed operations and maintenance cost incurred is reported in the FO&M Cost property.