Facility Initial Production

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Production at time zero

Facility Initial Production sets the initial (t=0) production state of the facility i.e. the total production across all units. It is used to initialize constraints such as Max Ramp Up, Max Ramp Down, Min Up Time, Min Down Time, Max Up Time, and Max Down Time. This property is combined with Initial Units Operating and Initial Hours Up or Initial Hours Down when enforcing minimum/maximum up and down time constraints. If you omit Initial Units Operating then it is assumed that, if the initial production is non-zero, all available units are running, otherwise if Initial Production is zero then all units are off at t=0.

If Initial Production is not defined then the initial production is freely optimized i.e. a value is determined by the optimization that minimizes the impact of the initial conditions on the overall system cost.

Table 1: Initial Production Example
Property Value Units
Units 1 -
Max Operating Level 500 -
Min Operating Factor 24 %
Max Ramp Up 120 -
Max Ramp Down 120 -
Initial Production 350 -
Initial Units Generating 1 -
Initial Hours Up 6 h
Initial Hours Down 0 h
Min Up Time 18 h
Min Down Time 12 h

In the example in Table 1 the production at t=0 is one unit operating at 500. Because the maximum ramp is 120 the unit can reach a maximum of 470 (350 + 120) or minimum of 230 (350 - 120) in the first hour. Additionally, the unit has been up for six hours and must continue operating for a further 12 to meet the minimum up time.