Facility Units Out

Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Number of units out of service due to maintenance

Facility Units Out defines 'discrete' (or planned) maintenance events. The property can be used with the Date From and Date To fields to set the exact period of outage. Units Out can also be defined with a Variable or Data File object. Units Out is a multi-band property. Each band defines an outage of the severity defined in that band.

Table 1: Units Out Example
Property Value Units Band Date From Date To
Units Out 1 - 1 1/02/2006 1/05/2006
Units Out 1 - 1 4/05/2006 4/09/2006
Units Out 1 - 2 9/26/2006 9/26/2006
Outage Rating 0 - 1

Outage Rating 200 - 2

For the example in Table 1 there are two types of outage (identified by bands one and two respectively). The band one outages are total outages (Outage Rating = 0).

Facilities are modeled as single unit (Units = 1) or multiple unit (Units > 1). When modelling forced (random) outages and maintenance outages, units at multi-unit stations are tracked individually in the simulation so it possible to have both types of outages in the same period on different units.

The total Discrete Maintenance (as defined by Units Out) is summed up and subtracted from the Distributed Maintenance requirement (defined by Maintenance Rate).

As an output, Units Out the number of units out-of-service due to Forced or Maintenance outages.

See also: