Generator Fixed Costs

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Total fixed costs including amortized build costs

Generator Fixed Costs is the total fixed costs. It's definition depends on the simulation phase:

LT Plan

Fixed Costs = FO&M Cost + Annualized Build Cost + time × ∑ (b) ( Fixed Chargeb × 1000 × Installed Capacity ) x (1 - Tax Rate)

MT Schedule and ST Schedule

Fixed Costs = FO&M Cost + Debt Cost + Equity Cost+ time × ∑ (b) ( Fixed Chargeb × 1000 × Installed Capacity )

Note that when LT Plan is run prior to MT Schedule or ST Schedule the Annualized Build Cost is converted automatically to Debt Charge and Equity Charge with an arbitrary 50/50 ratio. This pass-through ensures that Fixed Costs in those phases accounts for Build Cost and thus can be accounted for in reporting as well as in Equilibrium Model = "LRMC/Revenue Recovery" (and hence market prices can reflect build costs).

See also: