Generator Forced Outage Rate Denominator

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Key Property:No
Description:Denominator for Forced Outage Rate calculations

Generator Forced Outage Rate Denominator defines how the simulator interprets the input Forced Outage Rate and how it computes that property in output. By default, the forced outage rate is computed over all hours, but you can change this so that the rate is computed only over Operating Hours.

The setting can take the following values:

Time (value = 0)
Forced Outage Rate = Forced Outage Hours / time
Operating Time (value = 1)
Forced Outage Rate = Forced Outage Hours / (Operating Hours + Forced Outage Hours)

This has been developed with reference to the EFORd formula of IEEE Standard [1], in which EFORd stands for Equivalent Forced Outage Rate on demand and it is an industry standard index for evaluating generating unit performance in competitive markets.

The advantage of basing Forced Outage Rate on time is that patterns of outages can be generated before the simulation is run (at the time PASA is run) and those patterns can be held constant between simulations to allow for like-with-like scenario analysis. In reality, however, generating units that are operated infrequently do tend to have outage rates that are functions of operating time and thus the second method is available here. In that case, outages are generated by the simulation 'on the fly' and these outage patterns are, in general, not repeatable between simulations even when the Model Random Number Seed is fixed because the pattern of outages depends on production, which might vary between models runs due to other factors, such as changes in fuel prices or changes in the dispatch of other generators or transmission.


[1] IEEE Std 762, "IEEE Standard Definitions for Use in Reporting Electric Generating Unit Reliability, Availability, and Productivity", 2008