Generator Max Units Built in Year

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum number of units automatically constructed in any single year of the planning horizon

Generator Max Units Built in Year sets an upper limit on the number of new units that LT Plan is allowed to build in any single year of the planning horizon. This property should be used in combination with Max Units Built and offers a finer control over the timing of new builds.

Table 1: Max Units Built in Year Example
Property Value Units Date From Date To
Units 0 -

Max Capacity 500 MW

FO&M Charge 50 $/kW/year

Max Units Built 1 - 1/01/2020
Max Units Built in Year 0 - 1/01/2025 31/12/2025
Build Cost 1500 $/kW

Economic Life 25 years

WACC 10 %

In this example at most one new unit can be built in the planning horizon, but the new build cannot occur until after 1/01/2020 and also cannot happen in the year 2025.

"It is advised to avoid the use of the default value of the property Max Units Built Year in Year (1E+30) of the Expansion section. Instead, it is more prudent to employ a value that closely approximates the maximum feasible or available number of units that can be constructed within a year. By choosing a value that aligns more accurately with the number of units available for a candidate, the likelihood of triggering an infeasibility due to overexpansion can be significantly reduced. This approach ensures a more realistic and efficient planning process."

See also: