Generator Max Units Pumping

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum number of units allowed to be running in pump mode.

Generator Max Units Pumping applies to pumped storage generators and sets an upper limit on the number of units that are allowed to run in pump mode at any one time. This number should be not more than the number of Pump Units.


Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice
Units 4 - 1
Max Capacity 25 MW 1
Pump Efficiency 70 % 1
Pump Load 25 MW 1
Pump Units 2 - 1
Max Units Pumping 0 - 1 H6-24

In the above example there are four generating units, two of which can run in pump mode, but pumping is restricted to hours 1 through 5 of each day (midnight to 6:00 AM).

See also: