Generator Must Pump Units

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Number of pump units that must be running in pump mode

Generator Must Pump Units, for a pumped storage generator, defines the number of units that must pump. The number of units available for pumping is defined by Pump Units, which in turn must be no more than the total number of Units. If units are out of service this constraint is automatically relaxed.

This property is typically used to define a period of time when pumping must occur or is required to happen as in the following example where pumping will happen between the hours of 3:00am and 6:00am every day:

Property Value Unit Timeslice
Units 4 -
Max Capacity 100 MW
Pump Load 100 MW
Pump Efficiency 75 %
Pump Units 4 -
Must-Pump Units 2

See also: