Horizon Index

Horizon Attributes

NameUnitsDefault ValueValidation RuleDescription
Chrono At a Time-1≥1Number of steps in the chronological model
Chrono Date From-43831≥0Start date for the chronological model
Chrono Period From-1≥1Start interval for the chronological model
Chrono Period To-24≥1End interval for the chronological model
Chrono Step Count-1≥1Number of step types in each step of the chronological model
Chrono Step Type-2In (-1,0,1,2,3)Chronological model step type
Chronology-0In (0,1)Type of chronology used
Compression Factor-1≥1Number of intervals to output per interval simulated
Date From-43831≥0Start date of the planning horizon
Day Beginning-0Between 0 And 23Start hour of the trading day
Look-ahead At a Time-1≥1Number of step types in each step of the chronological model look-ahead
Look-ahead Count-0≥0Number of additional look-ahead steps in the planning horizon
Look-ahead IndicatorYes/No0In (0,-1)Flag if chronological model used a look-ahead
Look-ahead Periods per Day-24Between 1 And 86400Number of intervals in each trading day of the look-ahead
Look-ahead Type-1In (0,1,2,6)Step type for look-ahead in chronological model
Periods per Day-24Between 1 And 86400Number of intervals in each trading day
Step Count-1≥1Number of steps in the planning horizon
Step Type-1In (1,2,3,4)Planning horizon step type
Week Beginning-0Between -1 And 7Start day for weekly constraints
Year Ending-0Between 0 And 12Last month of the fiscal year