Market Max Purchases

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:1E+30
Validation Rule:Any Value
Key Property:No
Description:Maximum purchase from the market

Market Max Purchases sets an upper bound on the amount bought from the market at the given Price in any interval. If you prefer to set a fixed supply from the market use the Supply property instead.

Note that when a supply curve is defined using Price and Quantity there is a natural upper bound on the purchases set by the Base Quantity less then lowest quantity point.

Table 1: Max Purchases Example
Property Value Units Timeslice
Price 60 -
Max Purchases 200 - HLH
Max Purchases 0 - LLH
Max Sales 0 -
Buy Block Day 25 -

The example in Table 1 is a a daily exercisable buy option. Purchases are made in 25 MW blocks up to 200 MW at a price of $60/MWh. The blocks are taken over the "HLH" timeslice e.g. peak periods.

See also: