Units: | MW |
Mode: | Input/Output |
Multi-band: | True |
Default Value: | 0 |
Validation Rule: | Any Value |
Key Property: | No |
Description: | Load |
Node Load defines the local load at the specified node. There are a number of ways in which the Node load input can be defined, and it is generally built up out of several input components. The input options are considered in the following order:
1. Node Load
If you define Load directly as a input, then:
Load = Load × Region Load Scalar × Load Participation Factor + Fixed LoadIf the Region defines Fixed Load and/or Fixed Generation then this is assigned to the Node in proportion to the Load input.
2. Region Load
If you define Load on the Region, the definition of load on the Node depends on whether or not the Zone membership is defined.
Without Zone membership:
Load = ( Region Load × Region Load Scalar + Fixed Load - Fixed Generation) × Load Participation Factor + Fixed Load
With Zone membership:
Load = ( Region Load × Region Load Scalar + Fixed Load - Fixed Generation) × Zone Load Participation Factor × Load Participation Factor + Fixed Load
3. Zone Load
If you associate the Node with a Zone and that Zone defines Load as input then:
Load = Zone Load × Zone Load Scalar × Zone Load Participation Factor × Load Participation Factor + Fixed Load
Note, in all cases, if the Node is not 'in-service' according to the Units property, then the load is zero.
Node Load as an output is defined as:
Load = Generation + Unserved Energy + Demand Curtailed - Dump Energy - Net DC Export - Net Injection - Net Market Sales - LossesNote: If Single-pass GPF is selected as the Transmission Loss Method, losses are included in the Load. If Fixed Shift Factor is selected as Transmission Optimal Power Flow Method, then AC losses are included as part of the net injection.
See also: