PASA Write Outage Text Files

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If outage patterns should be written to text files

This option causes the PASA phase to write outages for Generator and Line objects to text files, in a format that can be read back into subsequent simulations. The files produced are named after the Model that produced them. For example if the Model is called "Base" the files are:

"Model Base Generator Units Out (sans partial) Pattern.txt" "Model Base Generator Rating Pattern.txt" "Model Base Generator Units Out Pattern.txt" "Model Base Generator Outage Rating Pattern.txt"

And similarly for lines.

The "Units Out" file lists the 'complete' outages of the generators i.e. where the unit is entirely out-of-service, whereas the "Rating" file lists the generator rating during any partial outage (which only applies when outages are defined using Outage Rating).

Example "Units Out" and "Units Out (sans partial)" file

Crocodile Creek 120101110
Crocodile Creek 1201041651
Crocodile Creek 1201041740
Crocodile Creek 1201073121
Crocodile Creek 1201074110

Example "Rating" file

Crocodile Creek 12010111220
Crocodile Creek 12010564180
Crocodile Creek 12010569220
Crocodile Creek 120101019180
Crocodile Creek 1201010113220

Example "Outage Rating" file

Crocodile Creek 120101110
Crocodile Creek 12010564180
Crocodile Creek 120105690
Crocodile Creek 120101019180
Crocodile Creek 12010101130

These text files can be directly referenced by the Units Out and Rating/Outage Rating properties so that this pattern of outages is repeated.


GeneratorPropertyValueUnitsBandData FileScenario
Crocodile Creek 1Units1-1
Crocodile Creek 1Max Capacity220MW1
Crocodile Creek 1Maintenance Rate5%1Automatic Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Maintenance Rate3%2Automatic Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Mean Time to Repair24hrs1Automatic Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Mean Time to Repair5hrs2Automatic Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Outage Rating180MW2Automatic Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Units Out0-1Model Automatic Outages Generator Units Out (sans partial) Pattern.txtHardwired Outages sans partial
Crocodile Creek 1Rating0-1Model Automatic Outages Generator Rating Pattern.txtHardwired Outages sans partial
Crocodile Creek 1Units Out0-1Model Automatic Outages Generator Units Out Pattern.txtHardwired Outages
Crocodile Creek 1Outage Rating0-1Model Automatic Outages Generator Outage Rating Pattern.txtHardwired Outages

Here we define threeScenarios. "Automatic Outages" defines the data necessary for PASA to generate automatic maintenance outages for the Generator. In this example, two bands of outages are defined so that one band controls complete unit outages, and the second partial outages (through the Outage Rating property). Assuming we then ran a Model called "Automatic Outages" with the Write Outage Text Files option enabled the resulting text files could be referenced by a second Model using the "Hardwired Outages" Scenario or the "Hardwired Outages sans partial" Scenario. The "Hardwired" Scenario's define two different approaches to feeding the "Automatic Outages" into another model. Using the "Rating" and "Units Out (sans partial)" files, or "Hardwired Outages sans partial" Scenario, is more compact but when fed back in the partial maintenance events are not picked up.