Region Capacity Excess Price

Mode:Input Only
Default Value:0
Validation Rule:≥0
Key Property:No
Description:Penalty for an excess of capacity reserves

Region Capacity Excess Price is an input to LT Plan and is the penalty for an excess of Capacity Reserves. It applies when Max Capacity Reserves or Max Capacity Reserve Margin is defined.


In this example, the Capacity Reserves are to be maintained between 250-1000 MW with penalties for violating either limit.

Region Property Value Units Band Date From Date To Timeslice Data File
SA Load 0 MW 1 Load.csv
SA Min Capacity Reserves 250 MW 1
SA Max Capacity Reserves 1000 MW 1
SA Capacity Shortage Price 500 $/kW/year 1
SA Capacity Excess Price 5 $/kW/year 1

See also: