Region Capacity Reserves

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Capacity reserves (net of Peak Load)

Region Capacity Reserves is the megawatt capacity reserve margin. The definition of this property depends on the simulation phase.


Capacity Reserves reported by PASA is the capacity margin after allowances for maintenance i.e it is defined as:

Capacity Reserves = ∑ ( Generators Rated Capacity ) - Peak Load - Discrete Maintenance - Distributed Maintenance - Expected Forced Outage - Net Capacity Interchange


Expected Forced Outage = ∑ ( Generators Rated Capacity* Generator Forced Outage Rate )
LT Plan

Capacity Reserves reported by LT Plan is defined as:

Capacity Reserves = Firm Generation Capacity + Curtailable Load - Planning Peak Load - Net Capacity Interchange
MT Schedule and ST Schedule

Capacity Reserves reported by MT Schedule and ST Schedule is defined as:

Capacity Reserves = Firm Generation Capacity + Curtailable Load - Peak Load - Net Capacity Interchange

See also: