Region Total Cost

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
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Key Property:No
Description:Total of fixed and variable generation costs

Region Total Cost is the total fixed and variable generation costs for Generators and Physical Contracts. It is defined as:

Total Cost \[ \displaystyle = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \href{Generator.FixedCosts.html}{\text{Fixed Costs}}_{i} +\href{Generator.TotalGenerationCost.html}{\text{Total Generation Cost}}_{i} + \sum_{k=1}^{m}\href{PhysicalContract.FixedCost.html}{\text{Fixed Cost}}_{k} + \href{PhysicalContract.GenerationCost.html}{\text{Generation Cost}}_{k} \]

where \[ i \] are the Generators in the Region, and \[ k \] are the Physical Contracts in the Region.

See also: