Reserve Generators Available Response

Mode:Output Only
Default Value:
Validation Rule:
Key Property:No
Description:Available reserve response

Reserve Generators Available Response is the maximum amount of the ancillary service that could be provided given the current unit commitment (Units Generating), dispatch (Generation, Pump Load) and provisions to other "like-service" mutually-exclusive reserves.

Note that Max Response also sets a limit on the amount of reserve response each generating unit can provide to this reserve.

For raise or regulation raise reserves, there is a special case for steam turbine units, where it is getting heat input from CT units. Its total generation capacity should be limited by the number of CTs committed and the CT units' heat rate values.

ST Available Response = Min(PmaxST, (∑(PmaxCT * Units GeneratingCT * (Heat RateCT - 3.6)) - Heat LoadST)/Heat RateST) - GenerationST