Energy Conversions Table

The Energy Conversions Table defines how the converters interact with each other and standard power plants.  Each row in this table defines an input energy source, an output energy product, a conversion formula, and conversion costs.  It must be used in conjunction with the Energy Converters table.

 NOTE: To use this feature Commitment Optimization Logic must be selected in the Commitment folder of Simulation Options. Energy Converters is not currently compatible with Nodal studies or the Dispatch Uncertainty logic.

Also see the Tutorial for Desalination and CHP Modelling.


Auxiliary Demand Factor

Auxiliary Demand Reference

Conversion Coeff Fixed

Conversion Coeff Linear

Conversion Coeff Quadratic

Conversion ID

Currency Units

Dump Cost

Input ID

Input Type

Number Of Segments

Operating Hourly Max

Operating Hourly Min

Output ID

Output Type

Primary Key


Variable Cost

Input Tables

Energy Conversions Table

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