Resource Report Columns Column
Column Type = Text

This optional column is used to identify columns in the Resources input table that will be reported directly to the output.  Aurora adds the prefix Rpt_ to the column name and reports that column to the Resource output tables.  Reported values are derived from the input column, and resolved if they are entered as time series or CDS references.

More Than One Column

Multiple column names can be entered as a comma delimited list.  For example, to report the values in the Min Up Time and Min Down Time columns to the output, this field should contain “Min Up Time, Min Down Time”.  Then the Resource output would contain the columns Rpt_Min_Up_Time and Rpt_Min_Down_Time with the values from the input.

Heat Rate Coefficient Columns

To report heat rate coefficient information for units that employ an I/O curve for the heat rate specification, enter the coefficient column names, e.g. C0, C1, C2, C3, etc., from the Heat Rate Definition table in this list.

Portfolio: Owned Columns

To report the Percent Owned for the resource in the Portfolio Resources table, enter the Percent Owned column name, e.g. Percent Owned, Percent Owned 2, Percent Owned 3, etc., and the values will be passed through from the Portfolio Resources table to the Resource output.

Additional Options

If text field length limitations exist, additional "numbered" columns can be added for more reporting.  For instance, columns called Resource Report Columns 2, Resource Report Columns 3, etc. (up to 10) can be added and they will all do the same thing as the main Resource Report Columns column.

 Input Tables

 General Information Table

 Resource Report Columns Column