Resources Table

The Resources table contains the input assumptions and parameters for all existing resources in the database.  For information on the following resources and related treatment, see Cycle Only Resources, Storage Resources, or Random Forced Outage Resources.

NOTE: When opened, this table will automatically show a filtered view based on the areas, zones, or pools which are running in the study system. Automatic Filters are overridden by the User Default Quick View, or can be turned off using the Project Options in the Options window.

General assumptions and parameters can be applied using a reference to the Fuel table by specifying the reference "FUEL" for a variable.  The Fuel reference applies only to the specified variable and the model retrieves the correct input parameter from the Fuel table, which provides general parameters for each fuel type. For date fields, a 1/1/80 indicates the parameters from the Fuel table will be applied to the date fields.  

Similarly, a default reference for the Hydro Number is "Area Name", which indicates the hydro factors for the area where the hydro resource is located will be applied.

NOTE: Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Wat" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a hydro resource.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Sto" or "PS" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a storage project.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type of "Conservation", "DSM", or starting with "Load" (case insensitive), such as "Load Control", will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a conservation or demand side project.


Accounting Emission Rate ID

Accounting Fuel

Ancillary Max Contribution

Ancillary Max Offline Contribution

Ancillary Min Contribution

Ancillary Services

Ancillary Services Bid Price

Ancillary Simplified Constraints

Apply Constraints As True Cost


Base Resource ID

Bidding Adder

Bidding Factor

Bidding Shape

Block Size

Build Cost

Can Drop


Capacity Monthly Shape

Capacity Revenue Multiplier

Capacity Shape 2

Capacity Share

Committed Heat Rate


Constraint ID

Currency Units

Custom Memory

Cycle Only Capacity

Cycle Only Heat Rate

Cycle Only Startup Cost

Daily Start Limit

Decommissioning Cost

Dependency ID

Dynamic Peak Credit Group

Emission Price ID

Emission Rate ID

Energy Constraint Factor

Energy Revenue Area

Exclude From Commitment File

Exclude From ORM

Fast Start for Spin

Fix Cost Mod1

Fix Cost Mod2

Fixed O&M

Forced Outage


Fuel Adder

Fuel Multiplier

Heat Rate

Heat Rate at Minimum

Heat Rate Scalar

Heat Rate Units

Hourly Shaping Factor

Hydro Number

Hydro Type


Ignore In Capacity Pricing

Include Capability in Net Demand

Initial Cap Price Period

Initial Contents

Initial Online Hours



Linear Commitment


Loss Factor

Maint Begin

Maint End

Maintenance Cycle

Maintenance Length

Maintenance Priority

Maintenance Rate

Max Annual Operating Hours

Max Monthly Operating Hours

Max Operating Reserve

Maximum Storage

Mean Repair Time

Min Down Time

Min Gen Back Down Penalty

Min Up Time

Minimum Capacity

Must Run


Nameplate Capacity

Non Commit Penalty

Non Cycling

Offline Ancillary Up Time

Online Cost

Operating Reserve Price

Outage Group

Outage Scale Method

Peak Credit

Prerequisite Retirement ID

Primary Fuel Limit

Primary Key

Ramp Cost

Ramp Down Rate

Ramp Rate

Ramp Rate Relaxation Cost

Recharge Capacity

Reliability Area

Reliability Share

Reliable Capacity

Report All Units

Report Segments


Resource Begin Date

Resource End Date

Resource Fixed

Resource Group

Retirement Group

Risk Outage

Risk Resource Link



Schedule Maintenance

Second Accounting Emission Rate ID

Second Accounting Fuel

Second Emission Rate ID

Second Fuel

Second Fuel Adder

Second Fuel Heat Rate

Second Fuel Limit

Second Fuel Max Ratio

Second Fuel Min Ratio

Second Fuel Multiplier

Shadow Bidding Adder

Shadow Bidding Resource

Shutdown Penalty

Spinning Reserve

Spinning Reserve Price

Start Cost Vector

Start Fuel Amount

Start Fuel Factor Hot

Start Fuel Factor Warm

Start Fuel ID

Start Up Costs

Start Up Costs Factor Hot

Start Up Costs Factor Warm

Start Up Hours Cold

Start Up Hours Hot

Start Up Hours Warm

Storage Control Type

Storage ID

Storage Inflow

Storage Inflow Factor

UBB Bidding Adder

UBB Bidding Factor

UBB Bidding Shape

UBB Heat Rate

UBB Segment Size

Uplift Factor

Uplift Group

Use Dynamic Peak Credit


Value Adder

Value Factor

Var Cost Mod1

Var Cost Mod2

Variable O&M

Zone Price Setter

zREM Columns

zREM Total Capacity


 Input Tables

  Resources Table

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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