This column, when activated, instructs Aurora to calculate the Peak_Credit for iteration X using this calculation from iteration X-1:
For the current year, get the hour with the maximum net load, defined here as Baseline_Demand minus RPS_Output, for the region the unit is in (pool if operating pools are active; zone otherwise).
For the specific hour, get the output of the resource and its nameplate capacity, and calculate the peak credit as output/capacity.
The peak credit for that resource will be that calculated value as described above for all hours in that year. When the final capacity pricing iteration is reached, meaning that the build decisions have been locked in place, the peak credit values will no longer be changed in order to ensure that the reserve margin targets are met.
The Peak Credit Hours column, in the Operating Pools or Zone Definition tables, can also be used to apply a more generic, user-specified number of hours used for the calculation.
Informational messages about the peak hour chosen and max net load for each year will be reported to the StudyLog output table.
NOTE: Aurora will write the solved for peak credit values to the RMT at the end of the LT study. These can then be used for subsequent non-LT simulations if that RMT is in-study.
NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel Table will be applied.
Use Dynamic Peak Credit Column