This optional column (along with Fix Cost Mod2 ) allows time series input that can be used to modify the fixed cost time series profile of a resource. Any values entered here will be resolved according to the standard time series input structure and resulting values will be added to the Fixed O&M vector for a resource.
Input values are expressed in currency per MW-week. Negatives are allowed. Input is specified in real study economic base year terms and resolved time series values are adjusted for inflation.
NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel table will be applied.
NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.
This value can be seen individually in the Fixed_Cost_Aux1 output column or included with other fixed costs in the Fixed_Cost output column.
Fix Cost Mod1 Column