This optional column is used to flag resources whose full capability should be used in the demand net of must run calculations. The storage, hydro, and preforecast logic have options to use the demand net of must run for purposes of scheduling the resources (as opposed to simply the demand), and by default the must run amount is equal to the minimum capacity of all resources labeled as must run; this flag assigns the full capability of specific resources for that purpose. This could be must run resources (and hence the flag would indicate to use the full capability instead of just the minimum capacity) or resources not specified as must run but still desired for the capability to net out of the demand for the demand net of must run calculations. Note that this column only affects the calculation of demand net of must run for purposes of scheduling resources in advance of dispatch; it will not directly affect the dispatch of the resource.
NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel Table will be applied.
Include Capability in Net Demand Column