Fuel Column
Column Type = Text

The Fuel column specifies the reference Fuel ID for the resource, as found in the Fuel table.  Each resource must have a valid Fuel ID.

 NOTE: The Fuel ID column in the Fuel table is a unique (text) identifier. This field can contain both alpha and numeric characters. All references to the Fuel ID must use the unique (text) identifier.


 NOTE: Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Wat" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a hydro resource.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type starting with "Sto" or "PS" (case insensitive) will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a storage project.  Any Fuel with Fuel Type of "Conservation", "DSM", or starting with "Load" (case insensitive), such as "Load Control", will cause a resource referenced to that fuel to be treated as a conservation or demand side project.

 Input Tables

 Resources Table

 Fuel Column