The Wheeling column allows the user to assign the wheeling rate charge from the area being dispatched to the area being served. Wheeling rates are input as $/MWh.
Areas are generally consolidated into zones using the Zone Definition table. This process often consolidates links between individual areas in one zone and individual areas in another zone. For these consolidated links between zones, the Losses and Wheeling calculations split the difference between simple average (a good representation if all lines are loaded at the capacity of the smallest link) and a weighted average (a good representation if all lines are loaded at their maximums).
Tiered wheeling rates on a single link can also be applied. Use multiple records for the same Area From/To connection to assign varying Capacity 'blocks' that will have different wheeling charges. See the main Link table page for an example.
NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.
Wheeling Column