CONE Column
Column Type = Boolean

The optional CONE column is used to select a resource to represent a cap to capacity uplift payments via a defined Cost Of New Entrant (CONE) unit.

This column is applied when the Use CONE method is selected in the Long-Term folder of Simulation Options. If no CONE unit is selected when using this method, the unit with the highest Fixed O&M cost will set the limit on the capacity prices. 

Additionally, if more than one CONE unit is selected within a zone/pool, the cheapest unit out of the identified set is used. In practice, a CT is typically selected to set the CONE, but any resource can be selected.

NOTE: This column is NOT time series compatible. To adjust CONE participation throughout time, add additional records with unique First Eligible Year/Resource Begin Date and Last Eligible Year/Resource End Date fields.

 NOTE: If the FUEL reference is specified for this variable the value in the Fuel Table will be applied.


 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 CONE Column