Planning Reserve Requirement Max Column (Optional)
Column Type = Text

This value represents the maximum annual planning reserve margin target for the zone, where

Planning Reserve Margin = ( ( Existing Capacity + Future Capacity + Firm Imports – Firm Exports ) / (Peak Demand) – 1 ) * 100.

This value should be entered in percent, and can be specified as a time series.  If the field is NULL (or this column is not present) in a long-term run which uses the Use reserve margin capacity targets option (located in the Long Term folder of Simulation Options), the value will default to unlimited.  This option can also be specified in the Operating Pools table.

This option is only used for the MIP methods of Minimize cost or Maximize value.  It is not used in the Traditional method.

This option is only used for the MIP methods of Chronological or LDC.  It is not used in the Traditional method.

See the Knowledge Base article Long-Term Studies Using Reserve Margins for more information.

 Input Tables

 Zone Definition Table

 Planning Reserve Requirement Max Column