Project Menu

The Project Menu offers many project management options. There is a list of recent projects that can be used to quickly access project files, as well as buttons to manage project files.

Recent Projects

The Recent Projects area shows a list of project files (.apz) recently accessed by the application. Click on a project to open it in Aurora. Alternately, click on the Open Project button to browse to a new project/location.

Click on the right-hand pins to pin/unpin favorite projects to the top of the list so they are always visible.

Clear the list by using the Clear Recent Projects List.



New Project

Use this option to create a new, blank project. A pop-up will ask for the new project's name and location, and whether you want it to be setup to include nodal tables. On execution, Aurora will create a new project file (.apz) with default settings, an input database (.xdb) setup with the most often used tables/columns, a blank Quick View file (.atz), and a blank CDS (.cds) file all with the same name.

Open Project

Use this option to open an existing project file. Browse to the file, select, and click Open. The default view includes .apz project files. This option is also available using the Open button on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Save Project

This saves the current project file with the current setup information. This option is also available using the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar. If there are unassigned changes in the Input Data Assumptions window, a prompt will pop up asking if you want to ‘save current edits’. This gives the option of saving a project file without saving Change Sets.

Save Project As

This menu option is used to create a new project file using the current project file settings.

NOTE: This option preserves all the original project file settings and pointers to the input database, output database. The new .apz is basically a copy of the current project and the logic options are all identical to the original project file. Beware that changes saved to input or output results from this file will overwrite the existing data in the specified input/output database files.

Close Project

Select this button to close the project.  If there are unsaved changes to the project or related files, you will be prompted to save.


Send Project To Support

This option is used to transfer the open project file and input database to Support. When transferring to Support, an archive is created for the project file and input database and sent using either the FTP or HTTP protocol. The protocol is selected by clicking Options from the File menu.

NOTE: FTP and HTTP are unsecured Internet protocols and Energy Exemplar cannot guarantee the security of these technologies. Therefore, Energy Exemplar cannot certify the security of information transferred via these protocols or the FTP and HTTP sites themselves. If this does not meet a client's needs, we recommend the procurement of another procedure for transferring data. Contact Support for more information.

Archive Project

This menu option is used to create an archive of the current project file with the attached input database, template/Quick View file, Computational Dataset file, and Change Set file and/or network definition dataset (if applicable) in a single .ZIP file for ease of storage and transfer. The archive will also store the output database name within the project, but does not contain a copy of output database, nor any script files. These files should be saved separately.

Using this feature significantly reduces the file sizes of Aurora files. Once an archive is created, use the Unarchive Project option to re-load it.

Unarchive Project

This option is used to open a previously saved archive. Navigate to the location of the desired .ZIP archive file and click the Open button. Use the form to specify the locations/paths and file names for the extracted project file, input database, template/Quick View file, nodal loadflow (if applicable), and output database name. Note the Change Base Directory button at the bottom of the form that will change all the file paths at once.


 File Menus

 Project Menu

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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