Facility Capacity Basis

Default Value:1
Validation Rule:In (0,1)
Description:The basis for capacity-related properties where "Input" refers to the Primary Input and "Output" refers to the Primary Output

Facility Capacity Basis determines what Unit the capacity-related properties of the Facility are in. It can take the following values:

Input (value = 0)
Capacity-related properties are in the Commodity Unit of the Primary Process Primary Input.
Output (value = 1, default)
Capacity-related properties are in the  Commodity Unit of the Primary Process Primary Output.

This setting affects capacity-related properties such as:

For example, a facility using electricity (Primary Process Primary Input) to synthesize NH3 from H2 and N2 would have capacity quoted in megawatts of electric load and therefore Capacity Basis should be "Input". Conversely an electricity generating station has capacity quoted in megawatts of electric output and therefore Capacity Basis should be "Output".

For the "Input" case, properties such as Max Operating Level are converted to "Output" style by the simulation engine using the nominal Process Efficiency and Conversion Factor and all internal calculations occur on an "Output" basis with reporting values scaled back again to report on an "Input" basis.