Hidden Parameters for PLEXOS

For setup and usage information, please refer to the Hidden Parameters technical reference.

Class Parameter Name Type Default Validation Multi‑band Description
Report CompiledConstraints Boolean false false Enable a detailed report of compiled constraints. Normally, activity violation properties for a constraint are only reported for user defined constraints.
Report Locale String null false Global Culture format
Model EncryptData Boolean false false Setting to enable data obfuscation (encryption). This will convert all object names into an encrypted form, using a random seed (i.e. cannot be decrypted). This is useful for securing sensitive information. All references to these objects are also updated in the csv data file themselves.
Model FlatFileRoundingDP Integer 8 > 0 false Rounding precision in flat file writing.
Model IncludeInputData Boolean false false If the input dataset should be included in the solution file, which is used with the CIM exporter functionality.
Model IncludeMaintenanceInReliabilityIndices Boolean true false Include the distributed maintenance in reliability indices calculation. Discrete maintenance is always included.
Model IncludeModelNameInFilenames Boolean true false If the Model name should be included in the filenames such as LP and other diagnostic files.
Model MaxConditionConvergenceIterations Integer 4 > 0 false Used to define the maximum number of iterations in the condition convergence algorithm.
Model RunMode_PASA Integer 0 In (0,1) false Value = 0 ("Normal"), Value = 1 ("Dry") for the PASA phase only. (See above for more details about the "dry run" mode)
Model RunMode_LTPlan Integer 0 In (0,1) false Value = 0 ("Normal"), Value = 1 ("Dry") for the LT Plan phase only. (See above for more details about the "dry run" mode)
Model RunMode_MTSchedule Integer 0 In (0,1) false Value = 0 ("Normal"), Value = 1 ("Dry") for the MT Schedule phase only. (See above for more details about the "dry run" mode)
Model RunMode_STSchedule Integer 0 In (0,1) false Value = 0 ("Normal"), Value = 1 ("Dry") for the ST Schedule phase only. (See above for more details about the "dry run" mode)
Model SuppressInterleaveOutages Boolean false false Setting to true will suppress commencing forced outages in the "day-ahead" model of an interleaved execution.
Model SuppressRescalingSampledData Boolean false false Setting to true will suppress rescaling the sampled data (eg. load, wind, solar) in sampled chronology.
Model UseDatafileObjectLookup String() null false Used to define variable's which will have their name mapped to objects names for data file values look up. If a variable is defined to use DatafileObjectLookup, then in the data file reading process, PLEXOS will find the objects' name instead of variable's name (the objects tagged to current variable), when reading object names from columns. Users can use one such variable for multiple objects instead of creating one variable for each object. Note, maximum only one such variable can be set per object.
Model UseQuadraticRescaleProfile Boolean true false Option to use Quadratic growth method in rescaling the sampled data if the fitting using Linear method is not ideal, setting to false will revert to the original Linear method.
Model WriteInputGenericObjects Boolean false false In the case of 'Write Input' is checked, if 'WriteInputGenericObjects' is true, then keep generated objects and remove original objects in the new generated input .xml file and vice versa.
Model PowerstationAggregationMode Integer 0 In (0,1,2) false Mode setting for the run-time auto-powerstation aggregation.
0 = None; No automatic aggregation will take place. The user defined powerstations will be used.
1 = By name; Nodes are grouped by similar names, then generators in those groups are queried and grouped by similar name, while matching the memberships and properties defined.
2 = By geo-location; Nodes are grouped by the geo-location defined (longitude and latitude), then generators in those groups are queried, matching the memberships and properties defined.
Model PowerstationAggregationAuto_Diagnostic Boolean false false Flag if the auto-generation diagnostic should be written out. This will provide information about the powerstation objects created and the generator memberships detected. It can be used to manually add these powerstations into the input dataset, where these can be modified or enabled/disabled.
LTPlan AlwaysAllowMarginalResourceReporting Boolean false false When set to true this allows the marginal resource reporting to take place for the LT Plan phase even if the MT Schedule or ST Schedule is also enabled. Note: the Report Marginal Resources property must also be set to true for any regions for which the reporting is to be done.
LTPlan HistoricalSamplingInDeterministicMode Boolean false false Flag if the expected value should be based on the historical sampling along the scenario tree (with hanging branches defined) in a deterministic LT phase. By default, the hanging branches will be ignored in a deterministic or non-stochastic mode.
LTPlan AverageSamples Boolean false false Controls averaging of loads when LT Plan Chronology = "Sampled".
LTPlan BertrandEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Bertrand competition is enabled in LT Plan when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
LTPlan CournotEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Cournot competition is enabled in LT Plan when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
LTPlan IncludeMarketInRegionCapacity Boolean true false Include Markets in region reserve capacity calculation.
LTPlan ResolutionBlockCount Integer() null >=1 true Number of blocks fitted to each [Resolution Type] period.
LTPlan ResolutionIntervalCount Integer() null >=1 true Number of intervals in the Horizon that this band of resolution applies to.
LTPlan ResolutionType Integer() null In (1,2,3,4,7) true [Resolution Block Count] number of periods will be fitted to each of these period types in the Horizon. 1=day, 2=week, 3=month, 4=year, 7=quarter.
LTPlan RunUpDownEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run up/down or start/shutdown profile is allowed in LT Plan.
LTPlan StartStopEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run start/shutdown decisions are modelled in LT Plan.
LTPlan Transmission_DetectNonphysicalLosses Integer null In (0,1,2) false Detect and correct non-physical losses (0=Never,1=Auto,2=Always).
LTPlan UnitCommitmentOptimality Integer -1 In (-1,0,1,2) false Overrides Production Unit Commitment Optimality.
MTSchedule AlwaysAllowMarginalResourceReporting Boolean false false When set to true this allows the marginal resource reporting to take place for the MT Schedule phase even if the ST Schedule is also enabled. Note: the Report Marginal Resources property must also be set to true for any regions for which the reporting is to be done.
MTSchedule AverageSamples Boolean false false Controls averaging of loads when MT Schedule Chronology = "Sampled".
MTSchedule BertrandEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Bertrand competition is enabled in MT Schedule when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
MTSchedule CournotEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Cournot competition is enabled in MT Schedule when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
MTSchedule ResolutionBlockCount Integer() null >=1 true Number of blocks fitted to each [Resolution Type] period.
MTSchedule ResolutionIntervalCount Integer() null >=1 true Number of intervals in the Horizon that this band of resolution applies to.
MTSchedule ResolutionType Integer() null In (1,2,3,4,7) true [Resolution Block Count] number of periods will be fitted to each of these period types in the Horizon. 1=day, 2=week, 3=month, 4=year, 7=quarter.
MTSchedule RunSDDPafterRollingHorizon Boolean true false Flag if manually switch off running SDDP after Rolling Horizon.
MTSchedule RunUpDownEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run up/down or start/shutdown profile is allowed in MT Schedule.
MTSchedule SampledYearCount Integer 0 > 0 false This is the other option to invoke year sampling in MT Schedule, i.e. automatically select "N" years out of total horizon years. N = 0 means no year sampling.
MTSchedule SampledYearList Integer() null false A list of sample years manually selected for MT Schedule in Sampled chronology, years not contained in the list will be skipped.
MTSchedule StartStopEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run start/shutdown decisions are modelled in MT Schedule.
MTSchedule Transmission_DetectNonphysicalLosses Integer null In (0,1,2) false Detect and correct non-physical transmission losses (0=Never,1=Auto,2=Always)
MTSchedule UnitCommitmentOptimality Integer -1 In (-1,0,1,2) false Overrides Production Unit Commitment Optimality
STSchedule BertrandEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Bertrand competition is enabled in ST Schedule when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
STSchedule CournotEnabled Boolean true false Flag if Cournot competition is enabled in ST Schedule when it is also enabled in the Competition settings.
STSchedule RunUpDownEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run up/down or start/shutdown profile is allowed in ST Schedule.
STSchedule StartStopEnabled Boolean true false Flag if run start/shutdown decisions are modelled in ST Schedule.
STSchedule Transmission_DetectNonphysicalLosses Integer null In (0,1,2) false Detect and correct non-physical transmission losses (0=Never,1=Auto,2=Always)
STSchedule UnitCommitmentOptimality Integer -1 In (-1,0,1,2) false Overrides Production Unit Commitment Optimality
Production AccountForHeadPotenialEnergy Boolean false false Accounts for the potential energy of a head storage with regards to Reserve provision, i.e. reserve is limited to the remaining potential energy in the storage.
Production EmissionsFormulateUpfront Boolean false false Flag if emissions are modelled as decision variables in the simulation rather than having their costs pre-computed and passed through to generation costs.
Production EmissionsShadowPriceUseProductionDual Boolean true false Flag if using the model generated emission shadow price (i.e. dual value of emission production variable) in emission cost reporting rather than using the user defined shadow price.
Production EnforceLinearUpDownConstraints Boolean false false This indicates whether min up time, min down time, max up time, and max down time are honored when running with linear commitment.
Production FreezeTolerance Double -1.0 false The tolerance used when freezing the production of generators, batteries, and other facilities in the Uniform Pricing and other algorithms that require fixing the production at a solved value.
Production EqualizeGasContractTakeOverIntervals Boolean false false Forces equal Gas Contract Take Quantity for each interval.
Production FillMissingOfferPrices Boolean false false Flag if missing Generator Offer Price bands are filled with SRMC values or left to default.
Production FixedLoadAllUnits Boolean true false Flag if Generator Fixed Load is to be applied across all units, or per unit.
Production ForcedOutageRelaxesMinDownTime Boolean false false Flag if Generator Min Down Time is relaxed when a unit experiences a forced outage.
Production FormulateAllGeneratorRamp Boolean false false Flag if Generator ramp constraints should be included in the formulation even if the ramp rate is large enough that it would normally never bind.
Production HeadEffectsOptimality Integer 2 In(1,2) false Optimality setting for hydro head effects (1=Integer Optimal, 2=Rounded Relaxation).
Production HeadEffectsOptimalityRollingWindow Integer -1 false Size of the window over which to roll integer-fixing algorithm for head effects.
Production OffersIncludeEmissions Boolean false false Flag if Generator [Offer Price] is assumed to include the shadow price of emissions.
Production RequireOptimalHeatSplit Boolean true false Flag if the heat output of a generator/heat plant/heat export node is optimally split among its heat output nodes.
Production SteamByPassControlMode String Outage In(Free,Outage,Commitment) false The behaviour of the steam by-pass in the heat model. Free: by-pass is always open. Outage: by-pass is open only when the ST generator is out-of-service. Commitment: by-pass is open when ST generator is not committed.
Production STGeneratorsWithoutCondenser String() null false Specify a list of steam turbine (ST) generator names that do not have a condenser. Names must be the same as in the model and are separated by a comma.
Production Tiebreaking Boolean false false Flag if tied Generator offers should be resolved.
Production TiebreakingPenalty Double 0.000001 false Penalty applied to tie-break constraints.
Production UseGasNodeDeliveredPriceAsFuelShadowPrice Boolean false false Controls the [Fuel Price] calculation for a Generator connected to a Gas Node. If true, Generator [Fuel Price] comes from Gas Node [Delivered Price]. If false, it comes from the Gas Node [Price].
Production SimultaneousFixedLoadAndMinLoad Boolean false false When True, [Fixed Load] overrides [Min Load] in an interval if [Fixed Load] is defined and positive.
Transmission DisableNPFCorrection Boolean false false Disable the non-physical flow correction process. This process is important when running in regional or zonal transmission detail but might result in longer running time.
Transmission NPLRelativeTolerance Double 0.0001 false Threshold for detecting non-physical losses. Relative size of error.
Transmission NPLTolerance Double 0.0001 false Tolerance for detecting non-physical losses.
Transmission PumpBehaviourInUniformPricing Integer 0 In(0,1) false Pumped storage behaviour in uniform pricing process. 0 (default): disable pumping and free storage bounds. 1: Freeze pumping at current solution and keep the storage bounds.
Transmission USETolerance Double 0.0001 false Minimum Region Unserved Energy before the interruption sharing algorithm is invoked.
Capacity RegionAssistingPriorities Integer() null >=0 false The region assisting priority for calculating multi-area reliability indices. See Region Assisting Priority
Capacity ZoneAssistingPriorities Integer() null >=0 false The zone assisting priority for calculating multi-area reliability indices. See Zone Assisting Priority
Capacity LineFullOutage Boolean false false When a line is out within a block, the users want to leave the line completely out (capacity = 0)
Capacity SpinningReserve_LTPlan Boolean false false Flag if derating the capacity of generators which have a min spinning provision in reliability calculations in LT Plan.
Capacity SpinningReserve_PASA Boolean false false Flag if derating the capacity of generators which have a min spinning provision in reliability calculations in PASA.
Stochastic CumulativeProbability Boolean false false Flag if the input Variable [Probability] is defined as Cumulative Probability in the range of (0, 100]
Stochastic GlobalDeterministicStage Integer 0 false Number of stages from root node where decision are taken before revealing uncertainty.
Stochastic GlobalFCFName String() FCF true Name of the FCF object when writing the FCF diagnostic file
Stochastic GlobalFCFObj Double() null true Array containing the FCF objective values
Stochastic LeavesExpFactor Double 1.0 Between 0.0 And 1.0 false Overrides Global Tree Leaves Exp Factor
Stochastic NonAnticipativitySense Integer 0 In (-1,0,1) false Value = -1 ("less-than or equal-to"), Value = 0 ("equal to"), Value = 1 ("greater-than or equal-to")
Stochastic PositionExpFactor Double 1.0 Between 0.0 And 1.0 false Overrides Global Tree Position Exp Factor
Stochastic SampleWeight Double() null true Overrides Global Sample Weight
Stochastic SampleWeightingMethod Integer 0 false Value = 0 ("Uniform"), Value = 1 ("Custom"). Custom uses sample weights defined by theSampleWeight argument.
Stochastic SimplifyFullBranches Integer 1 In (0,1,2,3) false Options to simplify full branches on periods of which the solutions are not recorded in the roll step. 0 = no simplification, 1 = 1 block/stage, 2 = 1 block/stage for 12 months then one block, 3 = one block. The last two options only apply when hanging branches are defined.
Stochastic SimplifyHangingBranchesAfterBranching Boolean true false Flag if hanging branches are simplified in detail after branching.
Stochastic SimplifyHangingBranchesBeforeBranching Boolean true false Flag if hanging branches are simplified in detail before branching.
Stochastic SDDPDisableMainBranch Boolean false false Flag if main (full) branch formulation should be disabled in the backward pass in SDDP Algorithm.
Stochastic StagesHangingBranches Integer() null true Overrides Global Tree Stages Hanging Branches
Stochastic StagesLeaves Integer() null true Overrides Global Tree Stages Leaves
Stochastic StagesPosition Integer() null true Overrides Global Tree Stages Position
Stochastic StepList Integer() null false In Guided Monte Carlo, this is the list of ST Schedule steps for which Monte Carlo simulation is performed. Steps not listed run only the first sample.
Stochastic TreeInfoInputFile String null false The scenario tree will be constructed based on the tree information in the input file. See Global Tree Info Input File
Stochastic WritePARMAParameters Boolean false false Write fitted PARMA parameters in a csv file for debugging purposes
Stochastic AlignChronologyToStages Boolean false false Flag if the partial chronology and hence storage balance should be aligned with the stages rather than calendar weeks/months.
Stochastic BrazilScenarioTreeErrorCount Integer 20 > 0 false Number of raw samples generated for each stage of the Brazil tree before the scenario reduction.
Stochastic BrazilScenarioTreeResamplingErrorCount Integer 10 > 0 false Number of raw samples generated for each stage of the Brazil tree during SDDP resampling before the scenario reduction.
Stochastic RollingHorizonDebug Boolean false false Used for debugging, this causes the tree weights to be remain constant between iterations of the rolling horizon making it easier to see other changes in the LP.
Stochastic RollingHorizonExitatIteration Integer Infinity > 0 false Used for debugging, this causes the rolling horizon solution method to exit prematurely at the given iteration number.
Stochastic RollingHorizonFixedVolumeTolerance Double 0.000001 false Tolerance for adjusting the bounds of end volume in the deterministic step of rolling horizon, to handle rounding errors especially when the volume is a very small value.
Stochastic SampleStagesPeriodType Integer 3 In (0,1,2,3) false Overrides Global Tree Period Type
Stochastic RollingHorizonOverlappingStages Integer 1 >=0 false Number of stages overlapped between the roll steps of rolling horizon.
Stochastic SDDPStageProgress Boolean true false Flag if progress is printed each SDDP stage during the iterations.
Stochastic SDDPSetFCVariablesFree Boolean true false Flag if a negative lower bound is needed for FC variables in the FCF formulation. (Set this to false could potentially improve performance if the problem has no negative future costs.)
Storage HeadEffectsIn_LTPlan Boolean false false Flag if formulate head effect in LT plan
Storage HeadEffectsIn_PASA Boolean false false Flag if formulate head effect in PASA phase
Storage HeadEffectsIn_MTSchedule Boolean false false Flag if formulate head effect in MT Schedule
Storage HeadEffectsIn_STSchedule Boolean false false Flag if formulate head effect in ST Schedule
Storage StorageRecycleIgnoreLookAhead Boolean false false Flag if Recycle period should not include look ahead periods
Storage StorageTargetIgnoreLookAhead Boolean false false Flag if Target period should not include look ahead periods
Storage PenalizeOverTarget Boolean false false Flag if penalize over-reaching of the target in setting Decomposition Method = "Targets". It applies to all storage types.
Storage DetectChangeInInitialVolume Boolean true false Flag if the change in Initial Volume is treated as an inflow
SyntheticSeries Variable String null false Name of the Variable object for which transformation is applied
SyntheticSeries TransformName String null false Type of transformation applied
SyntheticSeries ParameterName String null false Name of transformation's parameter
SyntheticSeries Band Integer 1 false Band of transformation's parameter
SyntheticSeries Value Double 0.0 false Value of transformation's parameter
SyntheticSeries Scenario String null false Scenario for which transformation is used
Competition ApplyStrategicAfterPricingStrategy Boolean false false Controls if Company Strategic constraints are applied before or after Competition Pricing Strategy
Competition NewBranchAndBoundMethod Boolean true false Flag if New branch and bound method (Short path problem formulation) is applied, otherwise use original branch and bound method
Competition MaxBranchAndBoundDepth Integer Infinity >0 false Provide the maximum iterations for the marginal loss calculation in the Bertrand process. A high value will has higher accuracy but possibly longer running time. It should be set for the original branch and bound method only, used together with "NewBranchAndBoundMethod= false"
Diagnostic FlowImpact Boolean false false Write diagnostics for flow impact. The associated Flow Impact GUI component is only available in PLEXOS 7.1 version.
Diagnostic FormulationList Boolean false false Write diagnostics for formulated dynamic constraints.
Diagnostic COPTStepFrom Integer 0 >=0 false Write out the Capacity Outage Probability Table from this step (included).
Diagnostic COPTStepTo Integer 0 >=0 false Write out the Capacity Outage Probability Table to this step (included).
Diagnostic COPTPeriodFrom Integer 0 >=0 false Write out the Capacity Outage Probability Table from this period (included).
Diagnostic COPTPeriodTo Integer 0 >=0 false Write out the Capacity Outage Probability Table to this period (included).
Diagnostic COPTProbTolerance Double 0.000001 >=0 false Probability tolerance for Capacity Outage Possibility Table. Note: The Compute Reliability Indices must be enabled in the phase to output this diagnostic.
Diagnostic SaveSolutionAsBlock Boolean false false Save solutions as blocks in flat file format or to print csv's solution in blocks.
Performance CacheTextDatainMemory Boolean true false If external text data are cached to memory (faster).
Performance UseInterrupt Boolean false false If the solver enables the MIP Callback feature, i.e. the MIP solve can be interrupted when integer solutions are available. Please note that this feature can impact performance, for example CPLEX always disables dual and nonlinear reductions in presolve with this option enabled.
GasField IncrementalInput Boolean false false If Gas Field Production Volume is defined in an incremental format.
Region ExcludeProfitFromAmortizedCost Boolean false false If the Amortized cost should subtract the block profit.
Region SingleRegionLDC String Nothing false The name of a specific region who's load data will be used when creating the partial chronology, rather than the total system load.
Region DiagnoseDecompositionFiles String Nothing false Determines whether to keep or delete the temporary files created during Geographic, Chronological, or Capacity Expansion Decomposition. A value of "True" indicates the files should be kept. A value of "False" indicates the files should be deleted.
Reserve SetProvisionPrice Boolean false false If the objective function should include a small penalty on Reserve Provision to avoid over-providing the service.
RSI SummerStartMonth Integer 5 In (1,...,12) false Start month for RSI Summer Period.
RSI SummerEndMonth Integer 10 In (1,...,12) false End month for RSI Summer Period.
RSI PeakStartHour Integer 7 In (1,...,24) false Start hour for RSI Peak Period.
RSI PeakEndHour Integer 22 In (1,...,24) false Start hour for RSI Peak Period.
Constraint ConditionMethod Integer 1 In (0,1,2) false Method used to formulate/solve Constraints with Conditions (0=Ignore, 1=Iterate, 2=Optimize).
Constraint CanBorrow Boolean true false Flag if the Constraint Borrow feature is enabled