Stochastic SDDP Replace Samples

Default Value:False (0)
Validation Rule:False (0) or True (-1)
Description:If the forward pass samples in SDDP should be replaced by user-defined samples

Stochastic SDDP Replace Samples is an advanced option for the SDDP algorithm.

When enabled, the forward pass samples generated for the scenario tree are replaced with user-defined samples. These user-defined samples are provided as Variable objects with names that match the original Variable object's providing the inflow samples but with "_FWD" appended to the name. For example, if you have Storage Natural Inflow defined with a Variable called "Big Lake" then the corresponding forward pass samples would be defined by a Variable named "Big Lake_FWD". That Variable should have Sampling Method = "User" and the Profile band count should match the number of full branches (Global Tree Stages Leaves).