Project Scheduler Setup & FAQs


The following FAQs are answered here:

Q:  What are some best practices to avoid errors when using the Project Scheduler?

Q: What should I do if I cannot add a remote Host?

Q: Where is the Project Schedule stored?

Q: Where is the Host database stored? 


Q:  What are some best practices to avoid errors when using the Project Scheduler?

There are four prerequisites regarding the Aurora Host Service that every user should verify before trying to use the Project Scheduler across network systems. Check all these settings if you encounter the following error:

Error: There was a problem opening the project.

  1. Check user account permissions. Verify the user has rights to the machine running the Host service.

  1. Verify the Aurora Host Service is running on the host machine.

a. Go to: Task Manager > Services Tab

b. Verify for Aurora Host Service that Status = Running

c. If not, right-click and Start Service


  1. Check that Aurora Host Service has adequate account permissions by verifying the "Log on as" shown below and change it if necessary to match the Windows login credentials.

a. Go to Task Manager > Services Tab and click the Services button in the lower-right corner.

b. Right-click on Aurora Host Service and select Properties.

c. Go to the Log On tab and select This account:

d. Enter your Windows login credentials (you may need to get this from your IT department).

e. Restart the service.


NOTE: Changing this setting could affect other users also using the machine for scheduled runs on the host. Be sure to discuss this with your IT personnel.

  1. Use UNC paths (Unified Naming Convention), NOT local directories. For example: USE \\NA-SLC-LAP188\Aurora\NOT c:\Aurora for both project file and script file locations.


Q: What should I do if I cannot add a remote Host?

Check your firewall on your local computer and the remote Host. It is likely that traffic is being blocked by one or both firewalls.

Q: Where is the Project Schedule stored?

The Project schedule for the Host is stored in C:\ProgramData\Energy Exemplar\Aurora\ProjectSchedule.xsfp.


Q: Where is the Host database stored?

The host database is located at C:\ProgramData\EnergyExemplar\Aurora\AuroraHost.db



 Project Scheduler Setup

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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