Demand Factor Limit Column
Column Type = Text

The Demand Factor Limit column dynamically defines the Limit by placing a multiplier on zonal demand such that the final limit for each year will be equal to [Demand Factor Limit] * [Annual Zonal Demand in MWh] + [Limit].  

This column is especially useful for dynamically defining RPS targets based on demand instead of a fixed value. Output from any DSM new resources in the constraint will be counted as demand and not energy. Use the Demand Reference column to determine the list of zones that define the demand used in the calculation.

This column is only used when Constraint Type = LT Energy Min.

 NOTE: Specify inputs for any time period (annually, monthly, weekly, hourly, or sub-hourly). For information on specifying a variable's time series, see Entering a Time Series.


Input Tables

Constraint Table

Demand Factor Limit Column

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