Retrofit Column
Column Type = Boolean

The Retrofit column is used to identify whether the record should be treated as a retrofit to an existing resource. The existing resource is identified in the Base Unit column.

With this column set to TRUE, Aurora will evaluate the economics of replacing an existing unit with a retrofit. It considers all potential years for the retrofit and compares it against the base unit. The logic will consider retirement of the existing unit with replacement by the retrofit, retirement of the existing unit with no retrofit installed, or no change to the existing unit.

The RMT will show which retrofits were built and which base units were retired. If a retrofit is built, the base unit will be retired at the end of the previous year.

 NOTE: Various inputs can have an input of BASE to reference the Base Unit for that particular variable. The value in the Resources table for the base unit will be applied.

 Input Tables

 New Resources Table

 Retrofit Column

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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