Displacement Fixed and Variable Cost Contract Type

This contract type will calculate an energy and cost based upon a displacement resource, fuel price, displacement fuel price, and zonal price. The contract must specify a valid Displacement Resource, Pricing Fuel, Fuel Factor, Pricing Fuel Displacement, and Fuel Factor Displacement. The Pricing Fuel Displacement will be used when the displacement resource is running, and the Pricing Fuel will be used when the resource is not running.  

If the Displacement Resource is running (i.e., Output > 0 for that hour), then the contract energy and cost will be as follows:

[Energy] = [Displacement Resource Capacity]

[Cost] = [Energy] * ( [Energy Cost] * [Cost Shape] + [Fuel Factor Displacement] * [Displacement Fuel Price])

If the Displacement Resource is not running, then

[Energy] = 0

[Cost] = [Displacement Resource Capacity] * { [Energy Cost] * [Cost Shape] + [Displacement Penalty] * ( [Fuel Factor] * [Fuel Price] – [Zonal Price] ) }

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Contract Table

 Displacement Fixed and Variable Cost Contract Type

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