Must Take Zone Link Purchase Contract Type

This contract type is a must take for a transmission link energy amount, and works the same as Must Take Zone Link, except that is only tracks purchases, i.e., when Zone 1 is importing, or equivalently, when power is flowing from Zone 2 to Zone 1.

When this contract type is specified, the Energy Max field should be in the form Zone1_Zone2, where Zone1 is the Zone ID for the first zone, etc. The model will then use the energy on that zone-to-zone link for the energy amount of the contract. If there is flow in the negative direction, then this is positive contribution to the energy in the portfolio, like a purchase, and the energy will be the flow on the line after losses, and the total cost will be equal to the flow on the line (before losses) times the Zone 2 price plus the total wheeling charge.

 Input Tables

 Portfolio Contract Table

 Must Take Zone Link Purchase Contract Type

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