Automatic Filtering

When using Automatically Filtered Views, some opened tables will automatically show a filtered view based on the areas, zones, or pools which are running in the study system.

Filtered views are demarcated with Filter Active in the table's lower status bar. (The table must be checked 'In Study'.) Automatic filters are overridden by the User Default Views (below), and can be removed on the fly using the Clear Filter/Sort button.

A filter returning no matches will result in display of all data.

The following table shows which are auto-filtered and how the filtering is determined.


Table Filter Based On


Areas that are parts of running zones

Capacity Price

Areas that are parts of running zones


Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Demand Collection

Running zones

Emission Price

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Emission Rate

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones


Fuels referenced by resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Heat Rate Definitions

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones


Areas that are part of running zones, if either area from or area to

Hydro Monthly

Areas that are part of running zones

Hydro Vectors

Areas that are part of running zones


Areas that are part of running zones, if either area from or area to is active

New Resources

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Operating Pools

Pools referenced by running zones, plus the default pool definition


Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Resource Dependency

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Resource Groups

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Resource Modifier

Resources in areas that are parts of running zones

Zone Definition

Active system consolidation


 Input Tables Window

 Automatic Filtering

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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