Report LMP Contributions Column (optional)

Column Type = Integer

An optional column, used to specify the number of top branch and corridor contributions to report for the specified bus in the Hour Nodal LMP Contributions memory table and NodalLMPContributions output table.  

Additionally, if the number is entered as a negative value Aurora will create a load source report for all branches that exceeds a certain MW tolerance.  The load source will report the top N buses and contingent branches contributing to flow on the impacted branch, with N being the absolute value of the number entered.  The report is found in the NodalDiagLoadSoure output table and the logic is activated by requesting LMP contributions as a negative value and specifying a value in the Load Source from LMP Contributions threshold field on the Nodal Solution Settings form in Simulation Options.

 Nodal Input Tables

 Supplemental Bus Tables

Report LMP Contributions Column

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