Quick View Toolbar  

Click on the Quick View Manager button to view the Quick View Toolbar Ribbon.


Import Quick Views

This option is used to import custom Quick Views from a different project Quick View file (.atz).  Individual custom table views and charts can be created and saved in any project without having to recreate the custom view each time.


NOTE: A Quick View file will not be loaded until a project file is opened. If a project is not associated with an existing Quick View file, one will automatically be created named Template.atz and will be located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Aurora.

Show User Defaults

This button adds the saved User Default views to the Quick View Manager window. User Default views will show like this:


This option deletes a saved Quick View with saved information. Highlight the Quick View in the Quick View Manager window and select Delete. There is no undo for this function.

Make User Default

This button applies the saved view to a User-Defined Default View. User Default views are stored separately from the Quick View project file and are applied to all tables of that type when opened by double-clicking the table. These default views will not show in the Quick View window and will only appear in the Quick View Manager when Show User Defaults (above) is turned on.

For output tables only, there is an additional dropdown option to Make Default For All Periods which broadcasts the selected Quick View formatting across all time periods of the same table type and create new default views. It is especially helpful for generating consistent default output across time periods from custom views already created in the project. Using this option, a default view for any output time period can be instantly propagated to all time periods for the UserDefault.

The original, factory default view can be restored at any time using the Restore Original Quick Views button, but this will delete ALL UserDefault views.

NOTE: Be careful starting from custom Quick Views, as the view may also contain a sort or filter. If a filtered or sorted view is saved as a default template, the filter will remain the next time the table is opened and not all the data will be seen. In this case, the filter can be removed by pressing the Clear Filter/Sort button on the toolbar.


Open Quick View File

Use this option to open an existing Quick View file in .atz format. This will change the Quick View file associated with the open project (.apz).

Save Quick View File

Use this option to save changes to the active Quick View file. Current changes will also be saved automatically upon exiting Aurora.

Save Quick View File As

Use this option to create a duplicate copy of the active Quick View file. Changes made to the Quick View will then apply to the new file that is now associated with the project. This option is useful for saving a default Quick View file, i.e., one that is automatically created when no Quick View file exists (created in C:\ProgramData\EPIS\Aurora\Template.atz) as a new file associated with a specific project.

Restore Original Quick Views

Selecting this option will restore the original default table views that came with the Aurora installation.



 Quick Views Window

 Quick View Toolbar

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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