Example: Using Hourly Data for Multiple Years via a CDS

NOTE: Using a CDS in this manner for hourly inputs may cause a significant increase in run time.  Energy Exemplar tests noted run times almost doubled.

  1. Start a run using the Step button on the Home Tab Ribbon (which runs for one dispatch hour then pauses) in order to populate the Study Info memory table, then stop the run using the Stop button.

  2. Create a Computational Dataset table, and then continue with the steps below.

  3. Open the new table and add a User Data column named ID, column type = text. (See Adding Columns to CDS Tables for more information.) Add a row in the table, and enter an identification.

  4. Add a Reference column and reference Memory Dataset > Study Info > Dispatch Date.  Rename this column Date.

  5. Add a Reference column and reference Memory Dataset > Study Info > Dispatch Hour.  Rename this column Hour.

  6. Add a Computational column, name it Ref Date, column type = text, and enter the following expression in the Expression box.

SubString([Date],1,Len([Date]) -4) +xxxx

  (where "xxxx" represents the year of the referenced data, e.g. 2007)

  1. Now add a Reference column and reference Input Dataset > [the Time Series Hourly input table in which your hourly data resides] > Data.

While creating this column, click the 'Setup Query Filter' button and create a filter such that no rows will be selected (e.g. set filter for -1).

  1. Select the Data column, right-click and select Edit Column Fill.  Create a column fill as shown below.  Be sure to delete the filter in the Query Expression window.

  1. Click the Update Data button on the CDS table toolbar.  The CDS table should now look similar to the example below.

  1. Return to the main CDS grid and select Pre Hourly in the Input Refresh Frequency column for the CDS table and check Use For Input.  Make sure all columns are as set as shown.

  1. Click Save Dataset to ensure the new table is saved in the CDS file.

  2. Make sure to select the setting Automatically Load CDS at Simulation Start on the General form of Simulation Options.

 Computational Datasets

 Using Hourly Data via CDS Example

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