Min Gen Back Down Penalty
Unit = $/MWh

This option is a penalty cost for violating the generators minimum generation constraint. You input a number and the input is dollars per MWh.  It adds some economic flexibility in modeling minimum generation segments.

It also addresses LP infeasibility that occurs due to hard minimum generation constraints. This reduced cost is input at the system level and is applied only to the Min Gen amount, not to any discretionary generation in the first dispatch segment. (Resource-level control is available with the optional Min Gen Back Down Penalty column in the Resources, New Resources, RMT, or Fuel tables.)

If the setting isn't feasible, this would be a good way to relax that Minimum Generation Constraint and make sure the relaxation comes at a cost so it is disincentivized.

With a Min Gen Back Down Penalty applied, and as long as sufficient demand-side (curtailment) resources are included for each zone (something also required by the standard dispatch), infeasibility should not occur.

 NOTE: Inputs can be specified for any time period (annual, monthly, weekly, hourly or sub-hourly). For information on how to specify a time series for a variable, see Entering a Time Series.

The resolved hourly value is adjusted for inflation and subtracted from the operating cost of the first dispatch segment.

NOTE: When applied to a resource, the resource level currency units will be used in conjunction with this value.

 Simulation Options

 Dispatch and Demand

 Min Gen Back Down Penalty

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