Seed LT with RMT

An RMT table must be selected in the study to check this box. If  checked, then the traditional initial balancing method will not be used. Aurora will set valid RMT new resources in system and update the dropped resources with the end dates from the RMT for the first iteration.

Reserve margin targets are not enforced for the first iteration when using a seed RMT, but they will be in all subsequent iterations. Resources that are dropped in the RMT can still enter the system in a later iteration if financially beneficial and are not permanent retirements when seeding an RMT. 

This option is only recommended when input assumptions are like those that generated the RMT table being used to seed the study. The minimum and maximum iterations are internally reduced when seeding an RMT to promote faster convergence. Also, when using this switch the final build plan selected is based on a comparison of all iterations, using the total system cost and LT constraint relaxation costs to compare.

 Simulation Options


 Seed LT with RMT

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