Allow Multiple Islands in Base Network

Select this option to invoke the ability to include all buses in a system with multiple islands during the nodal Optimal Power Flow (OPF) solve. All branch outages that cause islanding are allowed to be part of a nodal simulation.

Every dispatch hour, Aurora checks to see if new islands are created by the set of active branch outages for the hour.  Each island is optimally dispatched independently, and any contingencies that do not introduce additional islands beyond those created by branch outages will also be used in the SCOPF dispatch.  See the Nodal Multiple Island Logic article for more details.

In an SCOPF Study, islands caused by contingencies are handled via the Allow Contingency Islanding switch.

NOTE: The nodal Multiple Island logic can experience slower runtimes because shift factors and LODF’s need to be recalculated every time network island structures change due to branch outages.

 Simulation Options


 Allow Multiple Islands in Base Network

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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