Max Records In Memory

This setting is used to manage the size of output files in memory before they are written to an output database. The user is able to better manage the available memory on a workstation and the frequency of writes to the output database which can affect overall simulation time. The Max Records In Memory field is found in the Reporting form of the Simulation Options window, and functions slightly different depending on the output database format chosen.  

For xmpSQL, SQL Server, and mySQL:

When writing to an xmpSQL, SQL Server or mySQL output database, a single output record set is created and appended to based on the maximum size specified in the Max Records In Memory field. The first time the output record reaches the maximum number, an output record set is created. When the maximum setting is subsequently reached, the same table will be appended and the memory will be cleared.  

Record sets with a smaller maximum size (e.g., 10,000) specified use less memory but require more time to write. Record sets with a larger maximum record size (e.g., 100,000) specified use more memory but require less time to write.

For XML and Zipped:

When writing to a XML or Zipped output database, multiple output record sets are created using the maximum size specified in the Max Records In Memory field. For example, when the default 100,000 records setting is used in this field and there is an output record set that contains 300,000 records, Aurora will create three individual tables in the output database (e.g., NodalBusDay1.xml, NodalBusDay2.xml, NodalBusDay3.xml). However, these record sets are automatically consolidated when viewing the output in Aurora.

Also, note that these individual tables are automatically created for all output categories requested for reporting as soon as the first output category reaches the ‘maximum output table records' limit. To expand on the previous example, suppose both ZoneMonth and NodalBusDay categories were requested for reporting. The ZoneMonth output may consist of ZoneMonth1.xml, ZoneMonth2.xml, and ZoneMonth3.xml—each with only 12 records, if that is the number of records contained in that category when NodalBusDay reached the 100,000 limit each of the 3 times.

Record sets with a smaller maximum size (e.g., 10,000) specified use less memory but create more record sets and require more time to write and to consolidate the output report. Record sets with a larger maximum record size (e.g., 100,000) specified use more memory, write fewer record sets and require less time to write to and to consolidate into the output report.   

 Output Options

 Database Types

 Max Records In Memory

For further assistance, please contact Aurora Support.

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