
The xmpSQL output format uses an SQL database “server” that is embedded in Aurora. This output option provides SQL capabilities without using a separate server program and eliminates the need for any other external servers. The size limit on xmpSQL output databases is as much as 2 TBs, although performance may decrease after 10’s of GBs.  

The xmpSQL database type supports much of the output functionality of SQL Server and MySQL including producing nodal GIS maps. The speed of xmpSQL is also equivalent to SQL Server.

NOTE: Queries and joins previously created in Aurora for use with SQL or MySQL may not work with xmpSQL (based on SQLite). Queries may need to be recreated or modified for each type of SQL and they are generally not interchangeable, except for the most basic of queries. The different types of SQL (MySQL, MSSQL, xmpSQL) each have their own syntax so queries or joins created while one type of database output is active may not work with another database output type.

 To use xmpSQL with Aurora:

NOTE: When simultaneously running multiple instances of Aurora, do not use the same xmpSQL output database. Since this is not a true server based database, simultaneous writes to the same database by multiple copies of Aurora will not perform like server based databases. The database is locked to all other access when one copy of Aurora is writing to it and timeouts will be experienced with significant simultaneous use.

 Simulation Options



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